Monday, February 29, 2016

Wow, this month has flown by and once again has so many things gone on.  Math and reading with both 1st and 4thgrades and lots of reading with 2nd grade.  My second graders had the chance to finish another novel and then we read some of my favorites, the stories of Frog and Toad.  The kids quickly realized why I chose that as our next book.  I have now added working with some 5th graders.  It’s been very exciting working with them.  I worked with many of them for the past few years, but did not get to work with them this year until now.  It’s amazing to see how much they have grown since I last worked with them at the end of 4th grade.  It’s even more amazing to look back at where they were when I first started to work with them in 1st grade and well now, they are only about 15 weeks away from leaving us and heading to 6th grade.  Where has the time gone!