Thursday, April 30, 2015

Feeling a little lost today, it was Thursday, but no CSI.  Kids are already asking about it for next year.  Guess I better start looking for some new experiments.

Friday, April 24, 2015

We had our last session of CSI yesterday and I was sad to see it end.  I hope the kids had as much fun as I did.  It was great to watch their faces as we did some of the experiments.  Yesterday's experiments were all about straws.

Can you make a trombone using a straw and a bottle of water?  These kids did.

After seeing this one a student stated that the straw looked like "a set of stairs".  I thought that was a great way to describe it.  I hope you can see it in the picture.

It's straight, it's bent, it's fat, it's thin....How can this be?

We talked about the fact that light travels at different speeds through different things and that's why this straw looks so crazy. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Looking for a fun way to review coins?  Check out these videos to help your kids remember what coins look like and their value.