Friday, September 30, 2016

It has been a wonderful month getting to know the new teachers and working with the returning teachers.  I have seen so many great things going on here at Christie. 

5th grade is learning so much in science, is it a mixture, is it a solution?  Lots of great conversations and experiments.

 I learned a great new way to play the product game that makes it so much easier.  Shout out to Mrs. Dedmon for that.  Here is the great she shared.... Use the little stickie tags that have a clear spot at the bottom.  They work way better than the paper clips.

I wish I had learned to take such good notes when I was in 4th grade.  College would have been a lot easier.  Way to go 4th grade, the kids are going to be so prepared.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Can you believe it we are back to school?  I am so excited to start back with many familiar faces and so many new faces.  It is the time of year teachers often reflect back to years past to try and remember what went great an what went, well, not so great.  Every year is a new beginning for us to make a difference.  I order to help me get started off on the right foot I often start by reading an article about kids that was given to me several years ago, “Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say!”, by Steven C. Reinhart.  It is a great reminder at the beginning of the year as to how our classroom should sound.  Below is the link to the article, I highly suggest you take a look.


Monday, May 2, 2016

As part of my goal for this year I have been researching reading in relationship to math.  I must say that many of my searches have been well, what I consider to be fruitless, until this weekend that is.  I found a chapter from a book that I found very interesting. It has a different perspective on reading in math.  I have linked it below because it is defiantly something that makes you think.  I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Where has the time gone?   It seems like just yesterday I was going to start working with 5th graders and well now, my time is up.  Starting next week I am going to get to work with the 3rd and 4th graders.  I am very excited to work with my 4th graders again.  It‘s also going to be fun getting to know the 3rd graders.  I know them by face from greeting them every morning in the front hall, but now I will get to truly know them by working with them.  Let the new chapter begin.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Wow, this month has flown by and once again has so many things gone on.  Math and reading with both 1st and 4thgrades and lots of reading with 2nd grade.  My second graders had the chance to finish another novel and then we read some of my favorites, the stories of Frog and Toad.  The kids quickly realized why I chose that as our next book.  I have now added working with some 5th graders.  It’s been very exciting working with them.  I worked with many of them for the past few years, but did not get to work with them this year until now.  It’s amazing to see how much they have grown since I last worked with them at the end of 4th grade.  It’s even more amazing to look back at where they were when I first started to work with them in 1st grade and well now, they are only about 15 weeks away from leaving us and heading to 6th grade.  Where has the time gone!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Winter break has come and gone and the kids are back into the swing of things.  My second graders are so excited to have finished their novel and we’ve had many great conversations about it.  The first graders ventured in to telling time on a clock.  It’s a very abstract idea, but they got the hang of it.  Of course they are still a little baffled as to how I could tell time on my watch even thought it had no numbers on it.  Last, but not least, the fourth graders who are so strong with their multiplication and divisions it’s wonderful.  They now are moving into the world of fractions and seem to be handling it very well.  Once again I can’t wait to see what next month will bring.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Today was such an exciting day at Christie. I got to participate in Christie City. This was a truly authentic learning experience for our 4th graders. They got to work in shops, earn pay checks and spend their hard earned money. The kids had a lot of fun and definitely learned some good / hard lessons. They learned that if you spend all of your money you can't just go to the bank and ask for more. The employees at the bank realized that work is hard and that you can't just stop because you want to. It was a wonderful experience for everyone. A big shout out to the 4th grade team for helping to make it happen, and a HUGE shout out to Mrs. Amini for putting in hours of extra work at night and weekends to bring this amazing experience to Christie for our students. I really do work with the best people on earth. I hope everyone has a great break; it is well deserved for everyone, students and teachers alike.